> >
> > I disagree. People in the past (and, indeed, a great many today)
> are
> > quite convinced that their Gods exist. They couldn't care less, and
> > wouldn't act any different, whether or not the evidence that
> convinced
> > them (e.g. rain falling from the sky, the sun rising regularly,
> etc.)
> > would also convince us.
> >
> This is getting onto dangerous ground so I will say just
> that "Knowing" your god exists (with a big K) and knowing your god
> exists are two different things. I was using the big K.
To answer this properly would move into Digest territory (and I'll CC this reply there for that purpose), but in summary: no, they aren't two different things.
> Real humans, now and in the past, may know their god exists, but
> purely on faith.
I disagree.
> I am not saying gloranthans are not models of humanity, but they
> will look at life and death in different ways, to what we would.
To what we in 21st century secular society would? No argument there :-)
-- Trotsky Gamer and Skeptic ------------------------------------------------------ Trotsky's RPG website: http://www.ttrotsky.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/ --__--__--
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