In John's interesting question and suggestions about the relationship between Vinga and Humakt (are Vingans and Humakti stereotypes or parts of a continuum) and in the (less) recent thread about superhuman levels of play (lead mainly by Jamie and Martin), I reckon Yet Another Uber Thread.
The thread is: do Gloranthans (human
Gloranthans)reason and act and live basically like RW
humans (with a wide range of emotional and
psychological behaviors, as in the RW, but also with a
basic mortal mold that limits their performance), or
are they alien beings that just incidentally are
called humans (as in most RPGs) but that can (due to
the nature of Glorantha) and usually will become gods,
demons, monsters, uz, killers and generally display an
extreme sensibility which finds no equal in the real
world ???
If the first issue is true, then:
Even Red Emperors get to deal with everyday
divine power is merely a supernatural font of energy
but it doesn't change human nature that much;
devotion to a deity is a rather superficial choice
("nature always wins") so even Humakti women are
(basically) mums and Vingan tomboys can become
princesses as in Shaw's "My Fair Lady".
If the second issue is true, then:
Harrek, Argrath, Jar-eel are not exceptional
Gloranthans but merely the end of a continuum.
Most of the heroes (player character) will and should
become superheroes-demigods if they survive all the
and (basically) the Hero Wars rules are intended to
drive (hero point after hero point) everybody from TN
17 to TN 10W10, provided the necessary time and
Jeff, if this is digest stuff, please take it easy: its ChristmasTime!
End of Glorantha Digest
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