Read Greek Original Xenophon's Anabasis and think about the difference between Xenophon and Syranthir for the hidden meaning.
Anaitis: Goddess of Asia Minor, identified with Zoroastrian Yazta Anahita.
Check: Komos the Mage, Rising Day
Compare Carmanos with Zoroaster in Gatha and Moses (Stone Tablet of Law?) See Herodotos: Persians and their "right actions". Spolite Empire....there is not enough information as Vadeli Empire.
Check: First Capital Brinnus (rather Religious Center, think about the change of role of Shahs throughout history)
Check: General Marconius of Ulawar (City of Uleria), Bashkar Lion Guard and similarity of DH Durbaddath cult?
Check: Second Capital Surandash (Named by his father Surandar, near of Ulawar) Think about the frequent change of capital, maybe their nature to nomad life style like early Akhaimenesians. I suppose. (Perhaps they have two capitals...summer and winter?)
Check: The Man of Five Stones and Twice Blessed, the resistance against EWF for Alakoringa Saga.
Check: Some about religious reform
<<Other sacrifices take place on "Fire Altars": some Dara Happan (open
square altars with fires burning in dips on the top), others Spolite (ovens
and furnaces wrought of clay, stone or brass). >>
Reference to some other Iranian Documents like Mary Boyce's "Zoroastrians".
(Very Good Book for the history of Zoroastrians)
<<Shah Saman is the great religious reformer. He listens to the prophet *A,
who resolves the conundrum that has led to such great strife and conflict.>>
Perhaps you can put Alijiyah to the spot, he was named in the both sections religious reform (FS p.98) and art style (FS p.99). Maybe he can be compared with Mani in the writing of Amin Maaloaf. Just a vague supposition.
Sulvilster: See the Map of FS p. 41,43,45
Check: Emperor Karvanyar in FS, Sarenesh and Harald Smith's writing about
Great King Verenmars
Interesting. (Martin Laurie's tale about Dragon Sun is also fine for me, but
David Dunham doesn't like it.....)
<<and the spheres of Light and Darkness invoked to protect the capital,
Surandash. >>
Still its capital is near of Ulawar.
Alkothiad....Learn more about the campaign between DH and Carmania. And the history of several sieges to the legendary Bloodsoaked city. (Maybe it has similarity between cycles of Greek Troy and that of Alkoth....but Alkoth has never fallen....)
Check: Eurotas (Sparta) and Cephissos (Athens), but I cannot find the
reference that Nick mentioned in Plutarch....but I suppose it is in
And Liutprand of Cremona, the ambassador of Otto the Great to Byzantine
Check: Agincourt (Battlefield of 100 War between France and England for the wealth of Flandre.) See Shakespeare's "Henry Fifth"? English Longbows defeated French Crossbows and Knights.....
And that is why I am "embarrassed" by Nick's writing about Carmania for he drew too much Europeanized parallel....more that of Islamic, asian is good for an ignorant is kind way for Westerners. I should read more about the meaning of "Agincourt of Reverse" and Plutarch's writing....)
Read also the description of Fall of DH tripolis (except Alkoth) through Carmanian March.
Maybe there is similarity between Khosroe Parviz extravagant reign and that of Bull shahs. Then, who is Khosroe Ansirwan? Read Nizami's beautiful poetries.
Read more about the "Sultan-Caliph" system of Ottoman turkey for the reign of Bisoshan and Bisodakar (But I suppose Efendi doesn't like such analogue, for Sultan Caliph System is not so good for the parallel, because it is farfetched interpretation of history by later Ottoman Sultans against Tangimart and Khemal Ataturk) But I think the post of Dara Happan Emperor became that of authority without any political japanese emperors under the Shogunate period.
Capital of Carmania
Enthyr (Capital of Spolite Empire)
Brinnus (Carmanos) of Jhor
Surandash (See mainly Sassandar Section, most long remained capital as Japan
Kyoto) of Lunar Pelanda
Harandash (Haran) of Bindle
Shardash (aka Dolebury (Redline History) or Burntwall, the capital of
Decadence, see the section of Bisodakar) of Thrice Blessed
If Modern LE is Sassanians...
Akhaimenes: Lion Shahs
Successors: Bull Shahs
Parthians: Vakthan Ilart and TakenEgi
Sassanians: Arronius and Magnificus
Just a vague thought.
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