Well, okay, it's New Years Eve, but I've been working on other stuff, and I *did* buy these on boxing day (that's the day after Christmas for our non-British Commonwealth readers).
Having some Christmas money burning a hole in my wallet, and being in town the same town as a good game store (well, close enough - only about 10 miles away, as opposed to my normal 60), I decided to hit D&J Games in Campbell (a small 'burb in Silicon Valley).
I indulged myself at the "4 packs for 3; and 10% off" Foundry wall they have. So the whole shebang came to ~$50 for 28 figures, instead of the $72 it would cost from Foundry. Unfortunately, the wall is getting picked over, and they won't be restocking because of Foundry madness.
I picked up two blisters Assyrian siege bowmen for Raibanthi archers.
(Foundry code AASS07).
Each pack contains eight figures: two each of four poses.
All figures wear heavy Assyrian armor - a lamellar cuirass and bronze
helmet. A short-sleeved tunic leaves the arms bare. Three have quivers and
spare bows slung on their backs, while the fourth does not (he of the long
kilt). Everyone has a shortsword as a backup weapon, but no shield. (You
can buy "Assyrian Pavise Holders" to shield these guys, but I decided not
You can see what I'm talking about in Osprey's The Ancient Assyrians (Elite series 39) - with beautiful Angus McBride color plates.
Two poses fire at a slight upward angle - not really enough for knocking defenders off a wall, but enough to give a good loft to the arrow. One wears the typical Assyrian short kilt over trousers and boots, the other has a long kilt to his ankles (much like the front cover of the Osprey Book). The third figure is loading his bow, which must be cut off the back of the base and glued into his hand. He is also in the short kilt and trousers combo, as is the fourth figure, who kneels and fires upwards at a steeper angle than the standing figures.
All figures are 28mm S-E (except the kneeling guy.) Lots of extra tags of metal, but otherwise crisply sculpted and cast. Mold lines seem to be faint or non-existent.
Then two packs that are just too much fun. I'd been eyeing these for a while, and finally gave in to the impulse.
Pack one is Thracian Hill Chieftains (AG801). Thrace was a wild hill barbarian country located more-or-less in Modern Bulgaria (that general area - Northeast of Greece).
I've slated these guys for "barbarian" Lunar allies that aren't Tarshites - the kind of troops that can take on the Sartarites in their own ambush and raid game. Fortunately for my Saxon and Viking Sartarites, these guys don't wear armor.
The pack actually consists of eight pieces, but one is the top of a standard held by one of the figures, and the other is a pile of severed heads, so there is only 6 figures in the pack.
All wear knee-length short-sleeved tunics over bare knees and knee-high boots with dangly fringes. All except one wear shin-length cloaks. Three wear the characteristic Thracian hat - sort of like a liberty cap or Phrygian cap with long cheek-pieces. All wear bracelets of metal (some might be leather).
Figure one points with a wickedly bent knife with the edge on the inside of the bend. He has a crescent pelte shield strapped to his back over his cloak. He doesn't wear a hat, and his hair is wild. His expression is good - slightly open-mouthed as if yelling the command to charge. He has a chin beard, but no mustache. Two fancy bracelets bedeck his arms.
Figure two blows a signal horn, holding a severed head down by his left side. He doesn't wear a long cloak, only a animal skin around his shoulders. He has a crooked knife as a sidearm.
Figure Three is the standard bearer. His cloak has a fur-trimmed neck and his knife sheathe is also decorated with tufts of hair or fur. His tunic is fringed, the only one in the pack to have it. He leans on his standard with his right hand, his left holds a severed head. He stands over a couple more heads (get the idea why I like this pack? There may be only six figures, but there are a total of 20 heads!). He also has a shortsword slung under his left arm. The standard has a large round sun-symbol (with fringe), and is topped by yet another severed head. Hanging fringes and horsetails complete the piece. As the home for a wyter or lares, this is the bee's knees. On my battlefield, the head at the top of the staff will probably be described as screaming or shrieking in some unknown tongue. This figure has beard and sideburns, but no mustache.
Figure four stands casually surveying the field, his left hand resting on the hilt of his shortsword, which disappears under his cloak. At his feet is another of the ubiquitous heads. His belt is heavily decorated. He also has the full-beard-without-mustache look.
Figure five holds up a head in a "look at your leader now" pose. While all the other severed heads have been bearded and wild-haired, this head is smooth-shaven with short hair. Oops, has the legate gone missing? Is this a case of "fragging" your own political officer? He might need to be saved for a rebellion scenario! His cloak has a furred collar, and his left hand holds his pelte shield out to the side, balancing the head being held up. He also has a bag of something suspended from his belt. Loot? Drink? Another head? I really like this guy - lots of animation and interest.
Finally, number six is my view of a Lunar-seduced leader - he holds an amphora of wine in his left hand and gestures drunkenly with his right. His hat is askew on his head, and the sculptor has captured his "got a buzz on" look.
The final piece is a pile of heads - seven in all. Most are the bearded barbarian look, but one is in a Grecian helmet, and another is in a Thracian hat. Another memento of the rebellion?
Figures are all 28mm S-E. There was a bit more flash in this pack, but nothing that ruins the figure. Slight scraping with a hobby knife takes it right off.
Finally, pack four is foundry's "Viking Berserker Champions" (AVIK 27). Six fur-wearing lunatics for your Heortling warbands. Three wear bearskins, three wolfskins (for those that like to hunt Telmori.)
Figure one wears a wolf-skin as a poncho with its head as a helmet. He howls his challenge (or maybe is just barking mad) and brandishes a sword and axe. He wears a fur loincloth front and back, and fur-trimmed shin warmers, but otherwise is naked and barefoot under all that fur. His studded belt supports a pouch, sword scabbard, and Hammer of Thor amulet.
Figure two is the standard bearer for the wolf skins. His wolfhead is worn so that he looks out between the wolf's jaws. He also wears the fur loincloth, otherwise he is naked. He has an open right hand for a standard pole (or another weapon), while he defends himself with a sword in his left hand.
Figure three is the horn-blower for the wolfskins. He must not be as mad as the others - he wears tunic and trousers and shoes. The only concession to the wolfs is a fur half-cloak that comes down to his thighs. He is a beardless youth, with long braided hair. It makes you wonder what he's doing in with these other lunatics. He blows into a horn in his left hand, while his right has a sword. He would make a fine figure for a non-berserk warband.
Figure four is the leader of the Bears. While most of the other figures are 28-29mm S-E, this guy stands a huge 33mm. He has not one, but two bearskins draped over his back, their heads acting as shoulder pads. This guy is definitely warband champion material - he wears a thigh-length chain shirt, holds a large,spiked, axe across his chest, and has another axe, a sword and a knife slung on his belt. He wears tunic and trouser tucked into leggings and shoes. His hair and beard are long and shaggy. A wonderful Hero for your clan!
Figure five is the standard bearer for the bears. He wears a complete bearskin as a hooded cloak, and more fur as a loincloth. Otherwise he naked and barefoot, with a string of beads around his neck, various arm-rings and ankle bracelets. His belt supports a short handled battleaxe. His full beard reaches down to his chest. His hands are open for a standard pole, but you could probably get an axe in there.
Figure six is the horn-blower for the Bears. Unlike the wolf's hornblower,
this guy has seen a good number of summers and his beard hangs down to his
bare chest. He wears an entire bearskin as a hooded cloak, poofy pantaloons
(very Russian-looking) and shoes. His horn is in the right hand, sword in
the left. His belt is thick and decorated, he wears a bracelet of teeth
around his right wrist, and a wide bracelet on the left. Around his neck is
a set of beads with some sort of amulet.
As mentioned, all figures stand 28-29mm from Sole to eye, except Big Olaf. Casting is crisp with only slight mold lines or flash.
A lovely bunch of figures!
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