They aren't!
>>Akhaimenes: Lion Shahs
>>Successors: Bull Shahs
>>Parthians: Vakthan Ilart and TakenEgi
>>Sassanians: Arronius and Magnificus
This is too much parallelism.
These comparisons are to be used as starting analogs.
You seem to be stuck in equivalencies.
Free yourself!
>>From Greg's comment about Modern Lunar Army:
>You mentioned that LE is much similar to Sassanoid Empire, but refering to
>Unspoken Word #1,Tarsh Culture is much similar to Roman culture. Can I
>analyze that Sairdite Culture is similar to Romans, and so whole system of
>LE Political Structure and Culture is Persian-like Style? (That is the
>speculation of recent answer to him..)
No, there are no "romans" in Glorantha, nor even a good analog for them.
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