> >>Akhaimenes: Lion Shahs
>>>Successors: Bull Shahs
>>>Parthians: Vakthan Ilart and TakenEgi
>>>Sassanians: Arronius and Magnificus
> This is too much parallelism.
> These comparisons are to be used as starting analogs.
> You seem to be stuck in equivalencies.
IMO, analogs are useful for cultures, but never for history. For example, if we want to know how horse nomads live, we look to Scythians, Mongols, or Plains Indians. So the Grazers have a look that's derived from such cultures. But their religion is entirely different, and their history is entirely different.
And if you wanted to figure out what the Pure Horse Folk were doing between their expulsion from Dara Hapa and their arrival in Prax, I can't see how looking at the history of the Avars or Parthians would be of any use.
Sure, the Grazers undoubtedly use the Partian Shot, but that's because they're horse nomads, not because they're Parthians in Glorantha.
-- David Dunham Glorantha/HW/RQ page: <http://www.pensee.com/dunham/glorantha.html> Imagination is more important than knowledge. -- Albert Einstein --__--__--
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