Thank you very much, Peter, for your ideas. Some comments:
>As a style point, I find it better to avoid naturalistic origins if they occur in mythic times.
You have reason. I thought Third Eye Blue history begins with First Ancestor. The reference to ancient herders could be a sort of 'godlearnerism' from malkioni sages ;-)
>AFAIK the Blue Eyes looks like a magic learned from the Blue
>People (who have blue skins) so the 3EB may be related to
>them or it could just be a secret that they picked up.
I don't like this idea. Water is important for metallurgy, and it could be the reason for the blue color, but I can't see any other connections between Blue People and the Third Eye Blue People (save perhaps some alliances, commerce or enmities but no 'mystical' connection). Wearing a red tatoo doesn't imlply you have nothing to do with red vadeli.
>Another point: the 3EB were a lot bigger in the good old days, being described as Giants at >one point.
'Our Ancestors were Giants'. That sounds pretty good for me.
>I think in light of the sole piece of evidence (the God with
>Silver Feet), the "Gods" of the 3EB are named after a metallic
>feature rather than being known as all-round metal.
That's a good idea, IMO. I wasn't sure if the God with Silver Feet was of thirdeyeblue origin (but I thought the name is a reference for a thirdeyeblue-made statue). BTW, is he a Issaries subcult?
>Secondly, I think it better if the Bronze God (or perhaps the God with Bronze Bones) >formed by the stone from heaven was the First Ancestor of the 3EBs rather than being >merely made.
I like it too. And the God with Bronze Bones taught people to mix Sky (tin) and Earth (copper) for making bronze.
>Oral-Ta is a troll civilization.
I didn't know it.
>Minor nitpick: their closest allies - the Uncolings of Tastolar - are Hsunchen.
I know it, but it doesn't imply they didn't fought in the legendary past, IMO. I think the relationship between hsunchen and Third Eye Blues is ambivalent (as the relationship with ancients smiths and metalworkers in many cultures). They are useful, they make wonderful tools and weapons (Genertela Book mention that the hsunchen use metal tools and weapons bought to the Third Eye Blue, so there are many commercial relationships, especially with the Uncolings of Tastolar), but they are seen with suspect: they are strange sorcerers, masters of fire, transformers of nature. They helped us in the past. They tricked us in the past.
>Likewiase from Apple Lane, they know how to make animal-headed pommels for >weapons.
If you have to sell your weapons to hsunchen, it's better if they are animal-headed pommels. Ancient form of marketing? ;-)
>More importantly, the 3EBs are not known for being great fighters now, instead prefering >others to work for them.
I like it also. But it is possilbe (I think) that their ancient civilization were smith-centered but not only formed for smiths. Then, the important metalcrafters are forced to flee (is this the case of Lohar Indians in RW?). But the idea of massive brass guardians in mythic times sounds very good for me.
>Minor nitpick: the Black Forest did not exist until the Syndic's Ban.
I didn't know it. Well... the Oral-Ta trolls ;-)
>A major enemy not mentioned is the Mostali
Yes, but i mention aldryami and uz because in my story, the Third Eye Blues were originally bronze crafters. They received a Second Revelation: the iron, because they needed iron for fighting elves and uz. This is not a sort of 'naturalistic evolution' (bronze age, iron age...), but a mythology evolution ;-) probably they have a different myth for explaining each metal, because each method of metallurgy has its own importance.
>There's a tension here between the sacred nature of his pilgrimage and the vulgar nature of >his theft. normally do not retreat from the world in order to steal somebody else's secrets.
I don't think so. Especially if the Second Ancestor (the God of Golden hands?) is a kind of 'trickster' firestealer, like Prometeus in Greek Mythology. Second Ancestor doesn't 'retreat from the world for musing'; he begins a Quest searching the things his people needs, a fantastic travel searching the iron. This is not vulgar. Third Eye Blue people could re-enact this quest, of course Heroquesting.
The mostali say the Third Eye Blues stealed their secrets, but this is just another perspective; they learned something that they need; why is it mostaly property?
BTW, I found fun if the Third Eye Blues have a mostly inexact 'trickster and thief' reputation, as gypsy metalcrafters in medieval times. Of course, saying they are merely thieves is a superficial inexact knowing.
>A possible solution for their source of Iron might be the Meteor of Doom that smashed into >the Mountain of Metals.
I prefer the mostali 'borrowing' ;-)
>I think that the "grimoires" of the 3EB are the actual metals.
>Thus they learn smithing "spells" through intense study of a
>metal through their third eye.
I like it ! But, each metal is a separate grimoire? (I think so)
>I think they cast non-smithing magic through metallic knucklebones that they carry with them >all the time. The powers of these knuckebones is the same as their God of that metal - thus >the silver knucklebone is used for trading magic aftyer the God with Silver Feet.
That's good! But... is this animism or theism? Perhaps it could be something similar to 'trophy taking' in 'In Wintertop Shadow' p. 26 (theist magic with animist rules).
>Thus if the 3EB did not mix in with other Malkioni during religious services, they would be >less suspicious than if they did.
Hum... you are right.
Regards and re-thanks,
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