>From: donald_at_grove.demon.co.uk (Donald R. Oddy)
>I'm actually suggesting that in Glorantha procreation is not instinctive.
>It is a heroquest learnt, just like the initiation heroquest, by pretty
>much everybody. There are acceptable variations with known results
>such as those which produce children associated with gods other than
>the main ones - such as Uroxi in Orlanthi cultures. Then there are
>variations which produce children associated with enemy deities, while
>other variations can produce unviable babies or even chaotic creatures
>which is why experimenting with the heroquest is taboo.
I'd like to suggest some thought and debate be given to the idea that many heroquests are instinctive, known to everyone, and that the human cultures are ways to limit them to be within acceptable norms.
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