I sent a message to the list giving thanks to Peter Metcalfe for his ideas and discussing some things about the Third Eye Blues, but the message is delayed (I don't know why). Then, I have changed my mind a bit so this is my current understanding of Three Eye Blue gods with some of Peter's ideas that I hope not to spoil.
First Ancestor.- The God with Bronze Bones. He was created in the fire of an incandescent tin meteor crashed in a copper rock. For that reason, he is a son of Sky (the God with Tin Head?) and Earth (the Goddess with Copper Breasts?). Tastolar giants were their sons, and he taught them the art of metallurgy. Mixing tin and copper is a sacred act, because it is a marriage between Earth and Sky.
Second Ancestor.- The God with Golden Hands. When aldryami and uz attacked Tastolar people, he started a quest searching a magical fire able to awake Death (the God with Iron Arms?) He found it in Nidan Mountains and he could awake the god and smelt the iron (iron is harder to smelt than other metals, also in Glorantha). He is a sort of Trickster in his firestealer and deathfinder aspects.
Then, mostali sent 'evil' people and monsters to destroy Tastolar civilization, with success. For that reason, nobody could prevent Bengur's arrive. Bengur is the Lord of Demons, and he corroded the world with imperfections.
Because of this imperfections, Tastolar survivors became short and weak-boned as the rest of humans, and they lost their magical powers.
Third Ancestor.- The God with Mercury Eyes. He sunk in the waters for tree times and finally, he returned streghtened as tempered steel with a Third Eye Blue in his forehead, and then he gave new magical powers to his people. Third Blue Eyes could have three grades depending of your mastery in metallurgy. Initiaton in each stage could be a sort of baptism and tatooing.
I think Third Eye Blues Secret is Metal Transmutation. The Master is aware that all metals are really the same thing, so he can accelerate its transformation.
Each Ancestor had a wife. The Three Wifes came from other tribes, so they are not made of metal.
The Goddess with Goat Skin.- She is First Ancestor's wife. She taught the womens to herd livestock and to work with their materials (for making clothes, food and skin tents).
The Goddess with Wooden Skin.- She is Second Ancestor's wife. She knows the art of intensifing fire (which is a sacred act) and she taught it to women. She also knows how to made wooden things.
The Goddess with Crystal Skin.- She is Third Ancestor's wife and he came from the waters for repairing the universe. She knows everything.
Some women develop a Third Crystal Eye in the initiation rites and they inherit Third Ancestress' powers and are called Drabardi. They can read truth in skin (and sometimes crystal) with their third eye in a similar way than men read the metals. Thus, they are able to know a person reading the palm of his hand or his current life reading in some tarot cards made of parchment, or to see distant places in crystal balls. With this knowledgde it would appear that they can see the future, but only the more powerful Drabardi can do that (Scrying the Time is the Secret of Drabardi; the Mistress is aware that time is an illusion, so she can receive visions of past, present and future).
End of Glorantha Digest
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