>I'm in the process of adapting MOB's Mad Prax Beyond Sun Dome to Hero
>Wars to run as a one-off in a week or so. Something odd's just occurred to
>me. The scenario implies that Solanthos Ironpike remains at Sun Dome
>Temple and doesn't go off to Harpoon to see his glorious Templars capture
>the Cradle. Is this right?
As Count of Sun County, Solanthos Ironpike has a relationship with the Zola Fel river which also protects the Cradle. Although his relationship with the river is weak enough (due to a previous "relationship" with a succubus) to allow him to plan the plundering of the cradle dispassionately, the prospect of actually witnessing the violation of the River makes him quite ill and that's why he's staying at home.
--Peter Metcalfe
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