>...given that control of personal fertility has a
>history of long standing in Glorantha I would be inclined to make
>pregnacy the result of a rare combination of magics (i.e. when it
suits the
>story) rather than the feared near inevitability I remember from my
>Another feather in the cap of the Broo. Their heroquests are
powerful enough
>to subsume all others.
Firstly, the methods for controlling personal fertility in glorantha have already been described. If heroquests were necessery to cause conception, surely these methods wouldn't be required at all - you'd just not do the heroquest. In which case, what are they for?
Secondly, if accidental pregnancy is so incredibly rare in Glorantha, surely this will have enormous demographic consequences?
Thirdly, most broo (the vast majority) are feral, and are not educated in any religious practices at all. Where do they learn these potent broo heroquests?
>> Are there any other candidates for instinctive heroquests?
>Learning to talk.
Excelent example.
>I'd think the rites are there to either shape or modify the quests.
>behaviour is certainly unconcious but I would suggest not
instinctive ...
That still doesn't explain why so many human societies in Glorantha have so many rituals in common. Why do they parallel each other so much? Either these rites were communicated in some way across all Glorantha (contrary to mythic history), or they emerge naturaly from instinctive behaviour.
Simon Hibbs
Simon Hibbs
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