>Chris Lemens wrote:
>Normally, an Orlanthi clan will be formed of particular bloodlines >that
>are stable over time. Each bloodline has a collective of >ancestors, and
>the clan has a collective of ancestors. Things are >different for Praxians,
>at least in my view.
Ok. Just to mention here that I`ve understood that bison riders are somewhat an exception to the other clans concerning to septs and bloodlines. BoDR says: "Bison clans have a structure very similar to that of the Orlanthi, with each having a number of septs and bloodlines, BUT all descended from one Founder." Well, of course there are exceptions a lot if we are talking about all the hundreds of thousands of nomads.
>...first, the families that make up a clan are smaller, for one thing. >If
>you put a widely extended family on one end of a spectrum and a >modern
>nuclear family on the other, Praxians are closer to the nuclear >end. I
>suspect that this means that, when a common ancestor dies, the >single
>family may become multiple families headed by different >people.
BTW, it`s interesting to think how many families there really are in a bison clan, if they tend to be large... Many thousands.
>I'm going to leave this mysterious (sorry).
:) Hey, it was good information. I`m familiar with it already.
Chris Lemens:
>Third, I do not see that the clans have a founder and mutual ancestor >like
>the Tribes do. There may be shared ancestors, which is a good >thing, but
>is neither necessary nor sufficient.
...and Peter Metcalfe:
>Only Tribal Khans can summon Founders. Lesser Khans do not have that
> >ability and hence I conclude there are no clan Founders. Secondly I
> >believe Khans get their most of their magic not because they are focus
> >to religious powers of some powerful spirit or another, but because >they
>act as representatives of Waha to the animal nomads.
Yea, you`re correct. When I quoted the text about Khans focusing the Founder`s powers; I wrote that they focus the clan`s Founder. That was an error. It should`ve been "tribes Founder".
Peter Metcalfe:
>Whether you want clans to have long histories is really up to you. But
> >bear in mind that the Praxians are more diverse than the Heortlings >and
>have much different core values. Among the Heortlings, clans are
>important because Orlanth and Ernalda made them. The Praxians do not >have
>the same mythical attachment to clans because Waha and Eiritha >are neutral
>towards clans.
Very well said. The whole idea in this, is that these things are right now coming in our campaign. Maybe you can quess it but there`s a bison clan that I have to create. One of the players is an 'ex'-Malani, an uroxi who now almost describes himself as a bison rider, because he is adopted to the Great Horn clan (which is mentioned in Claude`s site). He is even a lay member to Waha and is married with an Eirithan woman of the tribe.
>IMO the ancestry a Praxian can recite is not the list of "I am son of >X,
>son of Y, son of Z" but rather a list of ancestors who are >interested in
>looking after the Praxian. This is much smaller than our >definition of
>ancestor, will differ for each Praxian yet it gives >each Praxian a list of
>ancestors he can call upon for aid. The >Praxian's magic is influenced by
>what his ancestors did and his >actions in this world will be subject to
>his ancestor's approval. This >gives the Praxian "a sense of history"
>without forcing them to have >Orlanthi clans.
A "sense of history" (and some kind of traditions) are the thing I should make for the clan. IMG they are somewhat a special clan, because their uroxi have a special position there (but they don`t outrank the Elders leaders of course [this is already an exception, when we compare it to normal nomad clans]). Still, they have hostile relationships with the Skull Bat clan whose uroxi took the leadership from Skull Bat Waha Khans.
Claude Manzato, luckily, you corrected the source of the site, that I forgot. The other site you gave is good stuff too. I have to say; the clan details have been a notable source to me and the campaign I`m running right now. Even though the descriptions of the clans are short, it gives very useful ideas for the backgrounds. Are you running still that praxian campaign you told about at your site? If you would like to share some thoughts about the topic, you can contact me from my e-mail address.
Tero Pitkänen
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