Moon Rites came fresh from the printer - it is still hot and the articles inside this magazine is really hot stuff. Moon Rites is the fundraiser of the VIII Glorantha con and every issues sold will help the organiser not to suffer to much under all financial needs such a big event needs. Support Jeff Kyer and his orga band by his efforts and get a real good magazine for your own. Go to and make your order now, the money you are paying there goes directly to Jeff's fund for the Con - the Chaos Society has made the print and supports the distribution and fundraising for this fantastic event. Take a look at for more information about the Convention.
Here is the content in MOON RITES:
Power Greya Two-Eyes - An extract from Greg Stafford's Lunar novel.
Broken Pot Country - Mark Galeotti on the unpleasant life and unfortunate
times of the Durnvoking nation.
Tales of Creation - David Millians shares a powerful myth sequence from the
kingdom of Aggar.
Dirty Little Gods - Simon Bray reveals how some deities just let the whole
darn side down.
97 Child Missionaries of Raibanth - Peter Nordstrand tells of persuasive
waifs on a mission from the Goddess.
The Surgeons of Vitality - Peter Metcalfe performs an autopsy on the heart
and spleen of this cutting cult.
The Crimson Bat - Roderick Robertson shares the secrets of the Bat that we
know and love so well.
Servitors of the Bat - But wait! There's more!
Crime and Punishment in the Lunar Empire - A foundational essay by Mark
Galeotti that you'll return to again and again.
As The Moon Turns - Ancient mysteries revealed by Stephen Martin, Alex
Ferguson & Nils Weinander.
The Lunar Twins - Talk about sibling rivalry! Nils Weinander details two
powerful heroes.
Cora of the Two Appetites - Courtesans in the Empire, and a saint with a
difference from Oliver Bernuetz.
Fellowship of the New Wane - Bryan Thexton presents some Lunar rebels with
The Ice Fair of Yolp - Join James Frusetta on a Lunar trading mission into
Uz lands.
The Imperial Society for the Reclamation of Pavis - The Lunars in Pavis -
its not all loot and pillage you know. Bo Rosén and Ian Thomson dig into
some ancient secrets.
Encounters with a Dilettante - Gianfranco Geroldi reveals what the butler
saw. And why your heroes are involved.
Sandy Sez - Sandy Petersen provides some hot tips for gamesmasters.
All copies to the authors and subscribers are sent out today. So you will getting it soon.
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