> Me: Just a couple points here. First, in defense of
> Julian's completely wacko ideas,
Thank you ... ;-)
> If Julian is saying that this is the way that
> many humans understand the interactions of the
> duality, I might agree. But I would disagree if he
> said it was universal.
It *cannot* be universal in modern, broken Glorantha.
Also, it is only one way of understanding the Primal Interaction : BUT it is a very important one !!
The point is that the Love/Life/Fertility/Uleria Rune is the Primal source of all non-chaotic reproduction in Glorantha (more precisely, in those parts of Glorantha derived from the Gloranthan Court).
> If
> I read Shannon's elfish materials right (and as I
> think Julian alluded to), the duality there did not
> engage in anything that humans or even elves would
> recognize as sex.
As I said earlier, not-sex is a Ulerian concept.
This is another can of worms BTW.
Julian Lord
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