From HW-jp mailing list
About Old Loskalm
What are their roles in their position? (Efendi)
BTW, what is Westpoint? Is it a city of West Frontem? (As Eastpoint, Northpoint and Westpoint) Or is it located in the land that submerged by the Blast of Zzabur after the Gods War (TI)? Or something religious term for the House of Einherjar (Efendi)?
As you may know, in Troll Pack Uz Lore Book, there is change between 2nd Age coastline of Fronela and that of 3rd Age, if it was written intentionally, it enlarged by Snodal's action or that of others?
2) Lord Spiritual, Lord Temporal and Lord Militant, Triangle (Law Rune?) of
Loskalm Idealist Church:
What is their roles in their society before the thaw of Syndic's Ban? (And why did they need strong military force without any external enemy?) Efendi wondered how they systemized tax revenue and political system, he tends to suggest more decentralized feudalistic community, but I think it likely be more centralized magico-political system and a sort of communist society.
3) Civic War before the Syndic's Ban:
I don't have Codex Magazine, so I can't refer them, simply extracts from
Peter's timeline:
<<852 ST Riots in Morian are ruthlessly put down by the God Learners. The
cruelty of the suppression sparks a rebellion against Jrustela [C#2].
855 ST Loskalmi troops are withdrawn from the rest of Fronela in an attempt to restore order. The Soldiers refuse to attack their countrymen and join the rebellion. Soon the whole of Fronela rises in general revolt against the God Learners [C#2].
859 ST The Confederation of Mortasor sacks Eastpoint's Low Quarter but fails to penetrate the City's sacred sites. The Confederation dissolves over arguements about shares of loot [C#2].
865 ST The last strongholds of the God Learners in Fronela are cast down. Loskalm enters a period of internal debate, barbarian invasion and religious reform [C#2].
891 ST Hrestolism reinstitued throughout Loskalm with the crowning of Gwainric the Good [C#2]. Comment: Take with heaps of salt up the nose. What religion Gwainric established was probably markedly different from the religion Loskalm has today - PHM.
901 ST Galastari knights rescue the bones of their Founder from Eastpoint sorcerers [C#2].
919 ST Shah Nadar the Avenger of Carmania leads troops on an extensive raid of eastern fronela as far as Eastpoint [C#2]. >>
His hint about the obscurity of that age:
<<King Lear could well be a description of the origins of the
Loskalm Civil War before the ban (Good King Leer divides the
kingdom into north loskalm, south loskalm and Junora -
unfortunately Cordelia never takes up Junora and so it is
lost). Another land wracked with civil war would have been>>
Efendi questioned the change of Snodal and Siglat made for their kingdom. He thinks that after the fall of God Learner Empire, there was relatively strong political power dynasty of Gwainric for he sometimes shows patriotic attitude to his "Kingdom" and his "independence day" should be dramatic. But I doubt it for the Peter's statement above about Shakespeare.....
4) What is your image of Black Hralf the Weasal? I think he was a strong barbarian leader from East as Vargandar the Unconquerable Knight in Gbaji War.....But Efendi thinks Black Hralf is a name of group, not personal name......
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