Maybe he was a stygian lord after the downfall of godlearners, or he was from a section of Jorstland kingdom? (Uz Lore?) Who knows?
This speculation is from my original latest version of Yuthuppa: That is derved from the translation of Jerome Blondel's French Broo, revised arbitrarily by my own view to current Gregged pelorian materials.
Because original article map city destricts are divided by metals, I try to
use / change through my own image:
For the article of Elder Secrets wrote about many about the strangeness of
gloranthan metal.
Original Places of Interest
1: Sky Garden (topped over Rise of Herustana) 2: Cathedral (or E-Temen-Anki) of Dayzatar: Office of Hierophant 3: Hill of Herustana 4: Buserium Grand Library 5: Citadel of Kalikos (Temple of Oslira) 6: Citadel of Young God (Murharzarm?) (Temple of Buserian?) 7: Citadel of Anaxial (Temple of Thilla) 8: Citadel of Arraz (Temple of Ourania) 9: Citadel of Polaris (Temple of Antirius? Vrimak?) 10: Great Temple of Lokarnos 11: Shrine of Kestinendos (Ballack of Avilry) 12: Tomastus's Jeweled Vault? (Porridge Star (Oropum) Tower?) 13: Shrine of Karvanyar Dragonbane 14: Lunar Arena (Dedicated to Yara Aranis (HonEel?)) 15: Tower of All Star Stories: Guild Center of Stargazers 16: Tower of Oropum: Porridge Star 17: Star Tower of Jenarong and Vuranostum (Cavalry Barrack: Star Captains?) 18: Star Tower of Burburstus (Throne?) Light House of Oslira 19: Office of Imperial Regalia 20: Palace of Satrap Taran-Il Family 21: Star Gazer Museum (Planetarium? Jeweled Vault? of Khorventos?) 22: House of Tarnils (Temple of Yanafal Tarnils and Irripi Ontor) 23: Torch Guild of Yuthu
26: Palace of Ark (The Overseer (the Captain of the Ark)'s Office) 27: Temple of Carmanian HumKt 28: Gorgorma's Secret Temple 29: HonEel Amphitheatre 30: Star Tower of Dove (Broken Temple of Arkatus Nigrum?) 31: Towers of Mirror (Polaris Security Office): Office of Optimatus 32: Temple of Avarnia (and Vrimak?): Rinliddians 33: Noble Gate (Gate of East Theya?) 34: Merchant Gate (Gate of South Erindamus?) 35: North Gate (Gate of North Kalikos?) 36: Navy Port and Barrack (Prow Riders: See Martin Laurie's Set) 37: Commerce Port 38: Teelo Norri Nursery 39: River of City Inside (See Map of RW Babylon) 40: Remanant of Manarlavus Dome? (Anaxial Ship?) 41: Aremina Forest (Northeast?)
A: Acropolis: Esagila (Aether (Dayzatar): Ze)
Statues of Enverinus (Environs?): South, Errisa: North, Erenbaya (Yarm
Tree?): West, Zaytenerus: East
B: Truth Gold (Yelm: Ze) C: Love Silver (Ourania (Uleria?): Ul) D: Harmony Public (Lodril: Lo) E: Art Brass (Humakt? (Carmania): Hu) F: Joy Bronze (Shargash? (Umath?): Hu) G: Growth Copper (Oria? (Gata): Ga) H: Beauty Azur (Oslira? (Sramak?): Sa) I: Atheletics (Inland) J: Entertainment (Riverbed of Oslir)
Maybe I didn't translate properly with Google translator for the places of
And I don't know my understanding to Latin is proper.
Yuthuppa: Original Version from French Broo Old Map
French Broo Map: Places of Interest
Porte Du Nord: Carry (Gate?) North
Hotel Des Impots: Tax office
Bibliotheque: Library
Aire De Jeut De l'anneau D'or: Adventure playground Of the gold ring
Caserne: Barracks
Forteresse Des Captaines Stellaires: Fortress Of Captaines Stellar
Hospice De Teelo Norri: Old people's home De Teelo Norri
Annexe d'Uleria: Appendix? of Uleria
palais du sultan: palate (Palace?) of the sultan
Fleuve Oslir: Oslir River
Acropole: Acropolis
Cuivre: Copper
Airain: Bronze (Brass?)
D'Or: Of Gold
thermes: thermal baths
Guilde de Yuthu: Guild of Yuthu
I used names of Ezelveztay and Keskeskenni as I used Ten Great Gods for destricts of Raibanth. (Maybe I try to name demons for Alkoth?) But I don't have enough time to draw the map enough to show you.....
And see p.32-
Harandings of Maniria by Julian Lord
Cultural Convergence and Dispersion:
Rather I want to agree with Peter, certainly if Vingkotling conquered the
World, they might intend to call all of worldwide storm barbarians as their
And if the trend of Thunder Rebels mythology prefered by majority....
Good work, Julian.
But I notice the last page stats of Greymane (p.46), do you think Solanthi
is haranding? And Leonine Vorlan (Orlanth?) is your Grey Storm Lion? (P.39)
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