In my conversation with Terra concerning the Ten Thousand I overlooked one thing (at least): The peoples along the shore of the Sweet Sea (i.e. the Sweet Sea League) were ruled by the bull worshipping Kereusi. Therefore, the bull connection to the Ten Thousand was already well established before they entered Pelanda. This also weakens the connection with "Blues", since the Kereusi are not blues - they rule blues. Or did at the Dawn, anyway. What happened since then is anyone's guess.
So... The Ten Thousand contained sorcerer/wizard types and came from the west beyond the Sweet Sea and were (later) led by a son of Lake Oronin - therefore they were reminiscent of the Logicians. On the other hand, they arrived in the south with bull worshipping allies. What were the Pelandans (or more accurately, the Spolites) to think?
Daxdarius and Gartemirus:
My impression is that Daxdarius was the military overlord of the middle and lower (northern) Oronin Valley immediately following the overthrow of the Blues. At first, the cities around Lake Oronin were separate, since they were liberated by Bisos.
After the Andam invasion the Bisosae cities became part of the "Empire of Daxdarius". I believe that this "empire" was very loose in structure and military in nature - i.e. The cities pretty much ruled themselves while paying respect (and tribute?) to Peldre for military protection and organization for defense.
As time passed, the peaceful and beneficial influence of Ulawar (which is not listed as a Daxdarian city) and Utheneos (where Idomon the Prophet settled) expanded and gradually displaced Peldre. Therefore, by the time of Wise King Gartemirus, Daxdarius (or his heir) was reduced to the status of hill-top warlord on the fringe of the High King's lands.
Was that hill-top warlord the same hero that liberated the Oronin Valley? I don't see why not! Long lived or immortal heroes are not unheard of in Glorantha - especially before the Dawn. Gartemirus was a grandson of Idomon the Prophet, who lived during the fall of the Blues. The length of the reign of his father, King Turenus the Roadbuilder of Ulawar, is not mentioned so it could have been short. Gartemirus himself did not become High King until he was of middle age. I feel that this makes it plausible that Daxdarius was still mortal during the the early reign of Gartemirus.
Daxdarius might have been quite old when he achieved his apotheosis, or he might have been younger and acted against Gartemirus through intermediaries after his ascension of Mt Jernotia. My personal favorite is for him to have lived a long life, personally contesting with a young Gartemirius, followed by the ascension of Mt Jernitius when life on the mortal plane no longer gave satisfaction (the Peace of the Wise King would not have been a War God's paradise).
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