Just a quick note to let you all know that, with the success of Pay Pal,
we are extending the Pre-Registration period for Gloranthacon to February 28, 2003.
Once again, pre-registration is $50 US ($75 CDN)
Hotel rooms can be reserved by contacting Toronto Colony Hotel at 1-800-
387-8687 (or 416-977-0707). Don't forget to ask for our convention rate!
Single or Double $70 US ($109 CDN)
Triple $80 US ($129 CDN)
Quad $90 US ($139 CDN)
If you have any troubles getting the hotel rate, contact us at gloranthacon_at_glorantha.com and we will sort things out.
Hotel & Con Badge Deal
To encourage those who are concerned about costs, Gloranthacon is also setting up a deal to help those traveling solo. A single room can be expensive for some so we are going to help people 'double up' if they cannot find a companion. For $145 US ($215 CDN) we will provide a weekend convention pass and hotel accomodations on Friday and Saturday night in a tripple room. (This price includes hotel taxes). That means a room cost of about $50 US/night - a considerable savings. However we can only do this for preregistered and pre-paid attendees. Contact us via email for further details.
Hope to see you in March!
Jeff Kyer
Gloranthacon Organizer
and Sacrificial King
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