> To all intents and purposes, they are synonyms. "Ecclesiarch"
> would be Greek for "ruler of the Church" ('ecclesia archon') and
> it was probably felt better to use this than the term 'Pope' in
> Glorantha, because the latter is specifically associated with
> the head of the Roman Catholic Church on Earth, and is not a
> generic title.
Pope is generic as the Coptic Patriarch of Alexandria (the successor of Saint Mark) is also a Pope while within the Greek Church, parish priests are called popes (the word is derived from the Greek for father).
> In my personal view, there are bishops
> ranking between the Cardinals and the local vicars, as Loskalm seems
> large enough for this to make sense, but this is not supported by any
> canonical evidence that I can recall.
In the glorantha: intro, Vicars are bishop-equivalents that govern dioceases. My intent was to give Loskalm a late-roman atmosphere in some places (Emperor Diocletian replaced the system of procurators with vicars ruling dioceases). The Cardinals are the spiritual equivalent of Princes while Dukes are their military equivalent (although I prefer to call them Duxes).
That said, Loskalm is still large enough to have Bishops IMO. There will always be some less-than-ideal places that result from odd compromises between the old and new regimes and a few bishops here and there presents no difficulties.
--Peter Metcalfe
End of Glorantha Digest
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