David Dunham
>>But Revealed Mythologies [p.48] says otherwise: "The migrated
>>Fiwan [animal folk] are the Genertelan Hsunchen."
>Revealed Mythologies has more than a few statements in it that
>are wrong (Zzabur's creation of Solace, Animist adoration of
>Gods etc.). Because of this, I can (and others should) feel
>free to explain away statements that feel wrong.
I'll quite happily side with Peter in this case, since I don't see how all these cold climate beasties populating Fronela could have originated in Pamaltela (and survived the trek). After all, Evolution in Glorantha doesn't work like in ours. nor do the Hsunchen perform any active breeding to adapt to their surroundings.
There's the human racial type issue, too.
Perhaps we might find out that Earthmaker's self-dismemberment tour (or an ealier trip?) created centres of Hsunchen expansions all over the surface world.
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