> I always wondered about the men-at-arms or soldiered militia of
> the Malkioni armies. Would these be of the Knight caste, in which
> case are there sub-orders of the Knight caste, or are they Farmer
> caste who have to fight at times?
As a general rule, professional full-time soldiers (including men-at-arms) will be Knight caste, while levies and militia and the like will be Farmer caste.
In particular, it can be different for each of the Malkioni sects and regions.
My take on Loskalmi Soldiers (not Knights) is detailed here: http://www.etyries.com/malkioni/idealist.htm#soldiers
Peter Metcalfe's article about Knights (not Soldiers) is here: http://www.etyries.com/malkioni/knights.htm
Cheers, Nick
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