8: Polestar 5: Ourania 6: Arraz 4: Lightfore
<<I feel fairly strongly that some Gloranthans are bound to practise sorcery for sorcery's sake, and that they would organise as "Bands" to further and express their cynical, egotistic ideals, and experiment with God-forbidden rituals of power.>>
I agree, but we talked about Loskalmi and they are more concerned with the purge of Godlearnism in 2nd Age and chivalric emphasis is overtoned in their land. (Though I don't know enough about the relationship between Sog City atheists and surrounding Loskalm Kingdom area. (The map geography reminds me Yoni of Shaktism....sorry. But I imagine many knights of Faerie Queen (Spencer) join a tournament to win a woman(spring queen?)'s favor in a green field. Very paganistic ritual.....)
Adept derived from a sort of word "Alchemist" . [Latin adeptus, past participle of adipisci to attain : ad-, ad- + apisci to grasp.]
[Middle English alkamie, from Old French alquemie, from Medieval Latin
alchymia, from Arabic al-kimiya : al, the + kimiya, chemistry (from Late
Greek khemeia, khumeia, perhaps from Greek Khemia, Egypt).]
> Trotsky:
> > To all intents and purposes, they are synonyms. "Ecclesiarch"
> > would be Greek for "ruler of the Church" ('ecclesia archon') and
> > it was probably felt better to use this than the term 'Pope' in
> > Glorantha, because the latter is specifically associated with
> > the head of the Roman Catholic Church on Earth, and is not a
> > generic title.
> Pope is generic as the Coptic Patriarch of Alexandria (the
> successor of Saint Mark) is also a Pope while within the
> Greek Church, parish priests are called popes (the word is
> derived from the Greek for father).
Maybe I can call the head of Church "Pope" from inside of their building, and call him "Ecclesiarch" once I am outside of his church.
Loskalm Titles by Peter Metcalph (in Glo: Intro)
Parish? Mayor / Acolythist
Barony Baron / Liturgist
Diocese Count / Vicar (RW Diocletian Reform)
Province Prince / Cardinal / Dux
Kingdom King / Ecclesiarch
Rokari Titles?
Ecclesiach / King Archduke?
Archbishop / Duke, Doje (Pasos, Nolos)?
Bishop / Count
Priest? Liturgist? / Baron
Nick Brooke:
>Also, in the RMM account there'd be no such
>thing as a "New Hrestoli Bishop"
>-- these were all "Cardinals" in HtWwO.
Seshnelan Districts
Duchy: Tanisor, Rindland, Nolos (Doje?), Pasos (Doje?)
County: Deu, Estaurenic, Noyelle, Voi, Pithdaros (Glo: Intro)
Barony: Dangim March, Vogai, Gilboch
Outlanders: Castle Coast, Arolanit
Though I don't know well about the system and hierarchy of Roman Catholic and difference from Greek (Russian?) Orthodox Church....I don't think Tolkien (he was a catholic...) approved the image of old Genertela Box seshnela. For Protestantism (and muslim) deny the idea of a specified hierarchal priesthood communicating God.
Pope (Ecclesiarch)
Though it seems Theoblanc wasn't selected from conclave and cardinals......
And Malkioni perfectly different set of history to their titles:
Titles of Seshnelan Overlords
Sacred Overlord for Seshna
Emperor of the Silver Empire
Duke of Frowal
Manager of Greater Seshnela, the High Duke of Greater Seshnela (Ullmal)
Count of Orphalsket; Champion of Malkion; later also Sacred Overlord (Saval)
Emperor of the Land and Sea
I don't know where the word "emperor" derived from in Glorantha. For example, DH emperor means Ern Azali Baka Est Ja [GRoY]. (Never Latin "imperator")
Below is from efendi's statement translated by TI:
<<In english titles duke, count and earl are originally all bureaucracy sent for administrating limited area directly by king as retainers, though they administrate wider land, but they cannot surpass their right as deputy officials and they cannot commit independent negotiation. (Though they sometimes get enough independence as the right of kings is weakened later and / or consequently.)
There is no definitive superiority or inferiority among duke, count and earl and their difference are derived from their linguistical origin. And though barons are inferior to duke or count, but in RW, there is no barony inside of duchy or county, and dukes and counts appoint their own sheriffs for their rule.
Barons and lords are all outsiders which submit themselves to kings later. Though they often defeated and lost much of their land, they escaped their downfall for their easiness for defense and / or got popularity which the central power cannot ignore. And they maintained limited use of right of military and negotiation. (While a sort of titles like arch dukes don't have noble blood for kings, but they often match king for their power and have unlimited use of theirs. Vis-count literally means vice-count, as a representative of count.
But I don't know well about the difference between RW and Fantasy World, for example, Dangim Barony locates on the boundary between Ralios and Seshnela, before it was conquered by Bailifes Dynasty, called County, and later it was changed to be called barony, (You should not think it is a rank-down but rather it means that seshnelans seems to pay enough care and attention to the rule of that land).>>
What the matter makes difficult, japanese tends to use the direct translation of system nobility hierarchy of Meiji Era (1867-1912), and applied old Chinese Ancient Titles to europeanized structure and hierarchy, for they have perfectly different origins, we sometimes confuse one with another.....(gong, hou, nan, zi, bo)
gong "Duke", like Duke Ai the Lamentable of Lu
hou "Marquis", like Duke Wen the Cultured of Jin
bo "Baron", a title that originally was used by the Shang rulers to
denominate the rulers off their territory
nan "Count"
zi "Viscount"
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