~~ S l u r p F o l k s ! ~~
Welcome to the February Tentacles News Post, featuring all the latest Tentacles news and views. Feel free to forward this newsletter to friends, allies and sworn enemies. If you do not want to receive this newsletter or have a new email address please send notification to: fabian_at_tentacles-convention.de
T e n t a c l e s E x t r a v a g a n z a !
Tentacles is really going to be an Extravaganza! As of the 15th of February, nearly 100 of our 160 places have filled up... So the rest of you should better hurry up and register now!
Sign up here:
Tentacles Extravaganza - 6th to 9th June 2003 -Castle Stahleck Bacharach, Germany
Okay, what´s on the table?
~ T e n t a c l e s o f H o n o u r ~
S t a f f o r d, Greg
Mr. HeroQuest and the Godfather of Glorantha will certainly throw
mountain sized chunks of cool, fresh, mystic Glorantha material
around. Some of it may hurt! We hope he brings many doses of his
own coffee again... WE will need it.
P e t e r s e n, Sandy
Everybody just loves him and he loves us back! The bald mastermind
behind Call of Cthulhu stated that "only a death in the family" could
hold him back this year (he is not planning on one!). Sandy will sling
hordes of jokes, stories and a myriad of games (Space Station
Zanzibar, Age of Mythology...) at us.
W h i t a k e r, Lawrence
Loz the Great spearheads our Hawkmoon special edition of Tentacles!
Be part of the exclusive Hawkmoon Freeform and meet the famous
Straw Dogs for the first or last time! If we ply him with enough
drinks again we can bribe him into reading some of his latest works.
If he gets more drinks he will love us to death...
B r a y, Simon
Simon is still alive despite having a real job and being author,
artist and editor of far too many good Glorantha and other stuff! He
will host the "Great Glamour Sit-Down" with Mark Galeotti, has
Co-authored the Hawkmoon Freeform AND wrote an exclusive
Hero Wars Episode for Tentacles! Wow! His wife surely hates
us for getting him here again...
~ T e n t a c l e d G u e s t s ~
G a l e o t t i, Mark
Mark is an academic specialist on organized crime, editor of "The
Unspoken Word" as well as author and host for "The Great Glamour
Sit-Down"! He regards the wars, dark secrets and ritual sacrifices of
Glorantha as light relief from his day job...
K y e r, Jeff
Jeff intends to use his Honeymoon for an excuse to visit Tentacles
again - he will write an exclusive Heortling Hero Wars Episode for us!
We hope Melanie will enjoy the stay again as well!
C o r a l l o, Dario
We salute you Dario! Artist and layout God for the Chaos Society!
Without him we would only be a hungry shadow! Un bacione
S c h i e m i c h e n, Wolfgang
THE famed and feared German CoC gamemaster, teacher, actor and
phantomist clown will be around again and unleash horror at random
~ F r e e F o r m Ga m e s ~
They are the salt in our soup and *gosh* they are tasty...
C r u e l H e a r t s a n d C o r o n e t s by Lawrence Whitaker, Simon Bray, Colin Driver, Pete Nash
The great and the good of Europe have gathered at Castle Stahleck to take part in the Peace Summit that will decide Europe's destiny. Granbretan, braced for invasion of the Rhinelands, has decided to meet with the representatives of the Eurpoean Kingdoms just once in a bid to reach a peaceful settlement to its territorial claims. How will the crowned heads of Europe meet this challenge? Can Granbretan be trusted? Nay, can your neighbours and so-called allies be trusted? Behind the masks, who dares to wear their real face?
In the courtyards of Stahleck, above the mighty Rhine, the fate of Europe will be decided. Will the air be alight with flamelance fire and will the Rhine be awash with blood?
And does anyone know what's happened to that ornithopter?'
D a t a: Summit at Stahlek is a freeform experience based in the Hawkmoon Milieu, created by Michael Moorcock. Here you will have an opportunity to take on the role of the greatest characters from the Hawkmoon saga - and some not even mentioned! Wear Beastmasks! Wield Flamelances! Betray your countrymen! Save Europe - or destroy it!'
For 32 Players.
T i m i n g: Saturday
C l a s h e s: n.a.
T h e G r e a t G l a m o u r S i t - D o w n by Simon Bray, Mark Galeotti
The Old Man is dead. Lanbril's Truce is over. It's time to call in those favours, muster the goons and collect on your debts, because the underworld of Glamour is up for grabs... But an all-out mob war is bad for business, and gives the Law an opportunity to bust your rackets. So instead, the Hand of Lanbril has called a Great Sit-Down.
Over a week, the lazily arrogant Sable Mafia enforcers, the wheelers and dealers of the Vanchite Trading Company, the infamous Kralori Green Lantern Hexad, the vengeful street shamen of the Flatland Fellowship and the toughs and thugs of the South-Side Crew will haggle, intimidate and compete to prove their worth, win new turf and elect a new Old Man.
Helping, hindering or just doing their own thing will be a cast of outsiders and independents, from the rabid Danfive Xaroni of the Glamour Vigilance to White Fang the master assassin and Madame Voluptua of the her House of Many Doors.
D a t a: This is a deeply immoral and darkly light-hearted game amidst the underworld of Glamour. An in-depth knowledge of Glorantha is not necessary and probably a handicap. The ability to lie, cheat, backstab and mumble about 'respect', on the other hand, are all but essential, and the ability to overact and put on silly accents strongly to be desired.
T i m i n g: Saturday Evening
C l a s h e s: n.a.
S p a c e S t a t i o n Z a n z i b a r by Sandy Petersen
The Galaxy is exploding! There is only one hope for your home planet - an emergency truce to the galactic war has been called, and diplomatic envoys have been sent to Space Station Zanzibar to vote on which worlds are to be saved. Zanzibar's power core has the ability to physically teleport entire planets out of our own Andromedan galaxy into the nearby Milky Way.
In addition to the envoys and their staff, Zanzibar is now infested with bounty hunters, hangers-on, parasites, and various types of galactic scum, each with his or her own agenda...
D a t a: A science-fiction live action game to be held during Tentacles. It will last one full day. Everyone in the game takes the role of a famous person or creature or robot from an old science fiction show. The rules are pretty simple include combat, a game economy, etc. Sample characters include Darth Vader, Superman, Riff-Raff, the Borg Queen, and so forth. Hypothetical goals might be: "Lead a robot revolt!" Or "Destroy the Death Star".
For 34 Players.
T i m i n g: Sunday
C l a s h e s: A Nigtmare in Outer Space
A N i g t m a r e i n O u t e r S p a c e by Gunnar Kotsch and Karsten Sassenberg
A thrilling Call of Cthulhu FreeForm in the far future. No one could imagine that the conflicts of interest would no longer continue to be the biggest fear. How the hell could it happen that Bata Ilic, of all people, raises his voice in one of the most popular TV-channels? Besides, not even he knows exactly what is going on...
D a t a: This is a fast moving adventure with new ideas and creeping Horror. Join the future even if everybody is calling you Ki Kil Kiri...
For 27 Players.
T i m i n g: Sunday
C l a s h e s: Space Station Zanzibar
~ E x c l u s i v e G a m e s ~
Here a short preview of our exclusive games... More will be added soon!
M u t t er?!
by Pittel
Beastmasks patrolling the streets of Berlin as it is there own; ornithopters are landing on the palace of Archduke Schaul as if they own it; Granbretanian Sorcerer Scientists use the resources of the city as it where there own BUT underneath, in the ruined mazes of pre-tragic millennium Berlin, the dark empire has no powers...
D a t a: Tentacles Hawkmoon Scenario for 4-6 pregenerated Characters.
N e v e r m i n d t h e S t r a w D o g s by Loz and Pittel
At Tentacles Extravaganza the two epic campaigns of the Straw Dogs from England and Germany; from Tragic Millennium Europe, the five Planes and the Unknown East come together. There are a few places left, join in the fight with the famous mercenary band from the multiverse...
D a t a: This scenario is run by Loz and Pittel which combine their two house campaigns at this Tentacles. Bribe them to get a seat at the real Straw Dogs table.
~ Y o u r G a m e ~
If you want to host a game or would like to volunteer as a referee in one of our exclusive games please send me a note with a short description of the game you would like to run or state the pre-scheduled game you want to support.
Gamemasters and Narrators receive free drinks, a priced gift from our sponsors as well as warm embrace from all the Tentacles we can spare...
~ T r a v e l H i n t s ~
If you are flying in to Tentacles from abroad, make sure to check out our travel hints:
See you soon...
-- Tentacles Extravaganza 6th-9th June 2003 Castle Stahleck Bacharach, Germany Sign up at: http://www.tentacles-convention.de/regis.htm --__--__--
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