Tales #20 was a real bottler - congratulations to David, Rick, and all concerned.
'Everything is Thunder', the Orlanthi Hero Wars epic that debuted at C02, will soon be running again. It will feature at Gloranthacon VIII in Toronto in early March, and Darren Sims has plans to run it at Gencon in London between 18-21 April.
With this in mind, I am planning to update the module, trimming it and incorporating the insights we gained running it at C02. If you played or GMed 'Everything Is Thunder', and have comments that will assist in our improving it, can I ask you drop me a line at nysalor_at_iprimus.com.au . Any sort of comment would be helpful - best bits, slow bits, confusing bits, character balance, etc. You can refresh your memory with the module notes and character sheets at
Thank ye!
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