<< > Furthmore, how
> come the chaos-hating Sartar troops are allowed by the game to
> ally chaotics such as the hydra and Delecti? Is that not a
> fairly major breach of flavour?
It's nigh impossible for the Sartarites to ally the Hydra because as it resides deep with Tarsh, the Lunars almost certainly get their hands on it first. >>
The only way to do it is to send the South Soilder reserve around the bottom edge of the board and make sure they're movement 6 units, and do something like ally with Ethilrist or the Grazers early on to keep the Lunars at bay. Even then you need to be lucky with the number of heads. It isn't much use to either side in my experience, being too far away, but a bunch of Sartarites rushing up the western board edge can draw Lunar troops away from the main combat. The best use of the Hydra is obviously when it gets stacked with the alchemical transformer and the spirit of movement. Now explain the morals behind that!
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