> Been playing King of Dragon Pass the computer game recently.
> Now I've grown up with RQ2 and all the renaissance stuff but
> had never heard of salmon man beofore. What's the beef with
> this swimmer?
King of Sartar tells Enjossi's tale in the Colymar Book, part of Jalk's Book.
The story starts during the great last stand of the Only Old One against the Pharaoh. The trolls summon the Night Dragon (IIRC), and Belintar slays it, blocking the course of the River between Wild Temple and Karse. The water is dammed up, and Belintar has to dig the New River or lose his sea allies. The problem is: Grandfather Salmon only finds his way to his birth rivers by swimming against the known currents, and this new current was unknown, whereas the old current beyond Karse had faded.
In 1476 Enjossi, obviously a Poverri heroquester, found or made up a way to show Grandfather Salmon the way. He first contacted the Balmyr, who wouldn't take part in such a venture, then King Rostakos of the Colymar, who did. Enjossi succeeded to swim all the way from the Mirrorsea Bay to the headwaters of the Stream (high in the Quivin Hills), called in followers, and settled on the border between the old Colymar clans and the Balmyr clans. His tie to the Stream foiled any Balmyr attempts to chase away his clan, but they keep on trying. (Good luck to them, as far as my campaign is concerned...)
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