[discusses a member of the minor branch of the du Tumerines family being a wizard and speculates on its relevance to the Rokari]
> To me, this suggests that just as younger sons of European Noble
> Houses would enter the church, so to do the younger sons of Rokari
> Nobles join the Wizards Caste. My suggestion would be that children
> are outside of the Caste system, so until their "coming of age",
> they may potentially join any caste (although the vast majority do,
> in fact join their fathers caste).
There's other possibilities that spring to mind. I don't think the Rokari would accept the suggestion in general although the Carmanian Caste Laws is based on it.
A complicating factor is that your character comes from unorthodox Nolo$ rather than Tanisor and so they could be expected to have a liberal attitude towards caste-jumping there. I believe higher caste can be purchased there so a downward caste shift may not be unusual.
Secondly, the character's bio said a minor branch which could easily refer to a branch in the wizard's caste. Since women have no caste, it is possible for families in different castes to be related by blood. And before people point out clergy celibacy, non-celibrate members of the Wizard's Caste do exist in Nolos - Arlaten the Magus (from Strangers in Prax) is a published example.
IIRC the Tales #13 writeup said that people can change castes downwards in the Rokari Church. If your character was born a lord, he could become a wizard or a knight with little or no loss in status. But the usual route is degradation to the peasant caste which does involve a drastic loss.
--Peter Metcalfe
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