on www.Tradetalk.de are a lot of new things to order now. We will getting soon some new material from the print, which will be all sent out next week. This will be:
Tradetalk # 12 - the Heortland special issue
Widow's Tale - Glorantha fiction from Penelope Love
Ye Booke of Tentacles # 4 - the scenario Book
Paper Wars - the paper Heroes from the CD disc from Unspoken Word
We can deliver recently:
Tales # 20 - the Farewell issue
Rough Guide to Pavis City - Description of Pavis in the time of 842 S.T
Moon Rites - the lunar fundraiser for Glorantha Con VIII
Path of the Damned # 2 - Glorantha Comic
Furthermore we still have on stock:
Tradetalk # 3 - eastern Ralios Tradetalk # 4 - Island special Tradetalk # 5 - Holy Country Tradetalk # 8 - Pavis & Big Rubble # 1 Tradetalk # 9 - Pavis & Big Rubble # 2 Tradetalk # 10 - Wenelia & Ramalia Tradetalk # 11 - Handra & New fens
Legacy of Pavis
Tales # 19 Tales # 18 Tales # 17
Cult Compendium from Moondesign Hard- and Softcover Griffin Mountain from Moondesign Hard- and softcover Pavis & Big Rubble from Moondesign softcover
Corum the RPG Book
Black Seal # 1 - CoC magazine
and a lot more.
For a check of preoders and Subscription go to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Tradetalk-info/files/Order%20Status/
Editor of Tradetalk
For more Info Tradetalk-info-subscribe_at_yahoogroups.com
End of Glorantha Digest
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