I cannot find your kind old reply about your idea for the friction between the champion of Lankst and the King of Jofrain in Glorantha Digest archive.
Maybe it is from my misspelling for keywords like surkorion / garundyer / kocholung / surantyr.
I cannot find it from Digest Search or archive. IIRC, it is related something to Surkorion, and subcult of Siglolf Cloudcrusher between Lankst and Otkorion.
> There's a wholly unofficial map of second age Seshnela in the Sog City
> Guidebook, which was based on a handful of inconsistent Dawn Age =
> originals
> looted from Chaosium.
> The Broken Council Guidebook *may* be helpful - it has a beautiful First =
> Age
> map of most of Genertela by Eric Hotz. But I don't recall how far West =
> it
> went...
I bought an inscrutable booklet in japanese secondhand gameshop, titled "University of Sog City: the Proceedings in Malkionism (the Seventh Ecclesiastical Council of Malkionism (1625)). If I remember correctly, it was my first step to deep sources of Glorantha.....(Oops.) Because of the lack of the former important part......prompted my curiosity.
But I don't know well the relations among the LARP "How the west was One."
and the book you mentioned above Sog City Guidebook, and the booklet I own.
I didn't have enough time to read it in Issaries Office. I don't have memory
about the description of Sog city guide itself in the book. (Maybe it is
derived from my poor slipping memory.) Are they printed in same places,
I know HtWwO has been played at least two times by many participants of glorantha and rq conventions, I am still want to speculate about the "Proceedings of Malkionism" from the perspective of RW gamers. And its material is related to the World Greatest Tournament by succeeding many interesting but unofficial settings.
And RQ Con Compendium Book also have several pieces for the LARP, for it seems that it and Broken Council LARP seems to have been played in same places sometimes.
Is there any other printed materials for the LARP? And can I find the copy of the Guidebook? Would you inform me?
End of Glorantha Digest
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