>Are these runes universal, however?
I don't claim to speak for Greg, but IMG the 'core' runes are universal,
or nearly so - these are the ones on HW p.161-162. Some other runes are
also very widespread - for example the 'broken toothbrush' rune for
'Hunting'. Generally these latter are the ones used for broad concepts,
and which find their way into affinity lists. More specific runes,
especially those tied to individual deities, are not so widespread, and
are often limited to one culture - one thinks of Hedkoranth's personal
rune, for instance.
> E.g., in RuneQuest a Sartarite
>"spirit" rune was a Pelorian rune was an uz rune was a Hsunchen rune,
>et. al.
I'd say that, as a core rune, this remains the case (although we might
now have to call it the Noncorporeal Entity rune now, since it doesn't
seem to be specifically animist).
> Now, though, we have a goodly number of Sartarite runes (and
>presumably Lunar runes on the way!). But do both cultures use the same
>runes for both things? Some are probably adopted back and forth, but
>when the same concept is known to both independently do they still use
>the same rune, or do different cultures produce different runes?
It depends on the concept, IMO. Some runes are just fundamental to the
way Glorantha works, so the same shape will be independently discovered
by different cultures. With narrower concepts, this is less likely,
especially as two different cultures may interpret the function being
represented slightly differently.
>Moreover, getting outside da Hooman, do the Elder Races and lesser types
>also use the same runes as humans? Or, say, do we have uz runes,
>aldraymi runes, mostali circuit diagrams, baboon runes, duck runes,
I'm sure those cultures do have their own unique runes, along with the
core ones.
>And aldryami, uz, etc. still have a man rune and a modifier
>-- is this a human convention?
I'd say that's quite plausible.
>One would thing, with the new spirit of
>single-digit runeism,
Note that, while the subcults in Thunder Rebels have single runes, those
in Storm Tribe generally don't. I'm guessing that the Storm Tribe model
will be more widely used in future HW publications (for subcults, not
for full-size cults) if only because its easier than inventing new runes
all the time! Still, I've had some fun coming up with personal runes for
all the cults in Sorcerer Knights...
-- Trotsky Gamer and Skeptic ------------------------------------------------------ Trotsky's RPG website: http://www.ttrotsky.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/ --__--__--
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