>Is there a canonical (or "not-canonical-but-really-should-be") approach
>to the New Pelorian alphabet (assuming they use a phonetic alphabet)?
The Lunars use a phonetic Dara Happan alphabet (Fortunate Succession) plus a Pelandan Syllabary (Entekosiad) to denote words of significant or magical importance are used. For example, JarEel is not written with six letters but two ("Jar" and "Eel").
>Okay. Back in the RQ days, there were runes, and that was it. Now, with
>HW/Q, lots more runes clearly exist.
>Are these runes universal, however?
The God Learners claimed to have identified a core set of runes (HW:RiG p160) that describes all other runes. It is stated that while some of its concepts are common to most cultures, others are unique (i.e. wrong).
>E.g., in RuneQuest a Sartarite
>"spirit" rune was a Pelorian rune was an uz rune was a Hsunchen rune,
>et. al. Now, though, we have a goodly number of Sartarite runes (and
>presumably Lunar runes on the way!). But do both cultures use the same
>runes for both things?
There are common elements to the runes. For example, a circle is indicative of aetheric power (Yelm and Elmal), the square represents cthonic power (Lodril and Ernalda) and so forth.
>Some are probably adopted back and forth, but
>when the same concept is known to both independently do they still use
>the same rune, or do different cultures produce different runes?
They produce slightly different runes is probably the best way of putting it.
>Moreover, getting outside da Hooman, do the Elder Races and lesser types
>also use the same runes as humans? Or, say, do we have uz runes,
>aldraymi runes, mostali circuit diagrams, baboon runes, duck runes,
>etc.? Again, some adoption from other cultures to be expected.
Elder Races (except silly ones like baboons and ducks) have their own ideas about the Runes and hence distinct systems.
>Curious, because I notice the Zong rune is the same as Odayla -- so is
>this a sign of universal runeism, or Sartarite "dat guy has da same
I think it's the old death/harmony concept that Hunter Gods were said to have. The harmony rune can be seen on the upper line while the rest of the rune appears to be an incomplete variant of the death rune (see Anara Gor's rune in Storm Tribe p192 for a probable basis).
> And aldryami, uz, etc. still have a man rune and a modifier
>-- is this a human convention?
They would have a different version of the Man Rune IMO.
--Peter Metcalfe
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