> Message: 3
> Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2003 11:17:19 +0300
> From: James Frusetta <gerakkag_at_wam.umd.edu>
> To: glorantha_at_rpglist.org
> Subject: Lunar Alphabet
> Reply-To: glorantha_at_rpglist.org
> A cursory search of web pages didn't note any thing, so:
> Is there a canonical (or "not-canonical-but-really-should-be") approach
> to the New Pelorian alphabet (assuming they use a phonetic alphabet)?
> Just curious -- it comes into something I was playing around with.
IIRC, pelorian writing was derived from the dara happan god Buserian...and
you can find some early sacred alphabet in FS p.103-104, Later, Plentonius
was blamed for leaking their cult secret to populace.....of cource, majority
of lodrilli are always illiterate.
Some fonts.
Maybe you can see a good source four your idea in Entekosiad p.96, for Valare Addi, born in the suburb of DH, couldn't read pelandan ideograms that of another famous center of pelorian culture. And she seems that she pushed her analysis to the mindset of another culture.
> I'm assuming, in the Greater Lunar Spirit of Reform, that either there's
> a new alphabet, or they've amended whatever the Dara Happans used...
Maybe, I think as later celestiologists found south path and planets in astrological area, lunars might have forced some reformation even to most stubborn traditional scholars.
But maybe we should wait ILH series release for these knowledge are still unofficial and unreliable.
BTW, is there any brailles for uzuz and uzko in Glorantha using their touch and sonar? At least it is useful for some extraordinary cults like argan argar. and IIRC, ancient uzuz carved figures over stones.....for their oldest language and characters, darktongue.
> -- __--__--
> Message: 4
> Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2003 11:17:53 +0300
> From: James Frusetta <gerakkag_at_wam.umd.edu>
> To: glorantha_at_rpglist.org
> Subject: Runes
> Reply-To: glorantha_at_rpglist.org
> Betraying my ignorance, a question:
> Okay. Back in the RQ days, there were runes, and that was it. Now, with
> HW/Q, lots more runes clearly exist.
I don't know Greg used some heroquest method to erase our old memory or
truly it was originally true (for I joined in RQ#3 days,), but I think these
block fonted runes are all godlearner products and aren't used by anyone
except some experimental groups like player heroes.
> Are these runes universal, however? E.g., in RuneQuest a Sartarite
> "spirit" rune was a Pelorian rune was an uz rune was a Hsunchen rune,
> et. al. Now, though, we have a goodly number of Sartarite runes (and
> presumably Lunar runes on the way!). But do both cultures use the same
> runes for both things? Some are probably adopted back and forth, but
> when the same concept is known to both independently do they still use
> the same rune, or do different cultures produce different runes?
See HW 1st Edition Rulebook, p. 162 last paragraph. You can find similar phenomena in RW, as many cultures use a symbolized circle as Sun. I think most of gloranthans use runes (I think especially sorcery culture prefer and technical for its use), but not with godlearnish manners. And they are used in similar manner for similar form.....Even if Greg might agree that some more magical categorization can be found in Glorantha more than in RW.
> Moreover, getting outside da Hooman, do the Elder Races and lesser types
> also use the same runes as humans? Or, say, do we have uz runes,
> aldraymi runes, mostali circuit diagrams, baboon runes, duck runes,
> etc.? Again, some adoption from other cultures to be expected.
Why do you care for these stupid hoomanz....? for like you noble Uz.
Hoomanz don't know what is important, and foolishly records unnecessary
things, use some enlos for such silly matter.
Sorry, but I don't think there is enough speculation for elder races. And I know uz are all great taoist philosophers. :-)
> Curious, because I notice the Zong rune is the same as Odayla -- so is
> this a sign of universal runeism, or Sartarite "dat guy has da same
> rune"ism? And aldryami, uz, etc. still have a man rune and a modifier
> -- is this a human convention? One would thing, with the new spirit of
> single-digit runeism, both races would have flipped the Godlearners the
> bird and have their own rune for themselves.
> The introductory bit in G:ittHW seems to suggest a certain universalism,
> but it's not precise (or I'm missing the precise bit...)
I think Peter and Greg conspired about this matter behind a curtain, and maybe want to change them freely in a future.
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