Tradetalk # 12 is ready now, with some delay, but at least it has the most new info's and a lot of fine articles.
The Content of Tradetalk # 12 is:
Blue Dawn - Shortstory by Simon Phipp
The Story oy Aye and Bee - Shortstory by Michael Cule
PussPuss the Scapecat - Eurmali story and episode idea by Brian Pinch
Whiteteeth - Two Storys and Narrator Character by Pete McAveney
Leonardo - his machines by Ian Thompson
The Esvulari - The Aeolings by Mark Galeotti and Greg Stafford
Introduction to the Hendriki Tribes by Mark Gaelotti
Caldvale Manor - A Esvulari Manor by Simon Bray
The House of Black Arkat - heroband by Ttrotsky
The Dark Doom - heroband by Stefan Drawert
Dry Hard - Episode by Gian Gero
Legends of Creation - Aldryami by Shannon Applecline
Villains of Logres - Pendragon by Shannon Applecline
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