The Gloranthan clans will be gathering this year in Edinburgh. Scotscon runs from the 5th to 7th September, and promises to be an event to remember! To support the con we're putting together a collection of articles, esoterica, and essays. Contributions to this work are invited from all Gloranthan illustrators, sages, scholars, and wits.
We don't intend to concentrate on a single theme for this volume. Instead we will accept articles that deal with any aspect of the Lozenge. We would, however, be especially interested in articles supporting games in Sartar or the Lunar Empire, as well as articles of a more humourous or light-hearted nature. All types of material is equally welcome - descriptive articles, short scenarios, people, cults, cultures, and stories, as well as maps and artwork.
If you would like to contribute an article to the fundraiser, please drop a line to the editor, Graham Robinson (, either expressing general interest in the project, or with a short description of your proposed contribution. We are just as keen to recruit artists, who should contact the art editor, Claire Steyert ( to express interest. Our deadline for all submissions will be 30th April 2003.
As always, the payment for an accepted article or artwork will be a copy of the book, along with our undying gratitude.
For more information on Scotscon, visit or watch out for our newsletter - coming soon.
-- Graham Robinson Albion Software Engineering Ltd. --__--__-- End of Glorantha Digest
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