>Do we any of Heort's children known by name? by deeds?
>Why, i'm especially looking for daughters (and possibly who
>married them) but a grand-grand-daughter or such would do
>as well.
He had a wife Ivarne and many blessed children (Storm Tribe p240) while the Broken Council Guidebook mentions (p11) that his successor as King was Gollanth Heortson.
>Assuming not all of them do, how many Heortling clans or
>tribes can claim Heort as an ancestor?
he is the "ancestor of many of the clans that survive today" (ST p240)
>Considering the Heortlings don't have royal dynasties
The Heortlings do have royal dynasties. The House of Sartar is one and Broyan cannot be a high king if he didn't belong to one of the royal bloodlines.
--Peter Metcalfe
End of Glorantha Digest
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