Re: Heort's bloodline

From: Jane Williams <>
Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2003 10:56:25 +0000 (GMT)

> From:
> I'll say Gollanth Heortson, hunted the winter deer
> but his sister Vinga told him

I'd treat the "Vinga as Heort's daughter" idea with a bit of caution: quite a lot of people believe she's a goddess, and the daughter of Orlanth, not Heort. A Vingan heroine could well have been Heort's daughter, but that's different.

> to have mercy when she saw the doe had puppy,

A fawn? Unless some very odd inter-species breeding was going on?

> I'm a bit confused about royal bloodlines. If Heort
> is the ancestor of many
> clans, shouldn't they all be royal bloodlines? What
> makes a bloodline so
> special that they are more royal than others?

My guess would be that some can prove their ancestry, with a detailed list of names, and others just have a tradition that Heort was their founder.

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