> Thanks for your answers. I'll say Gollanth Heortson, last king of Heort's
> lineage,
> hunted the winter deer but his sister Vinga told him to have mercy when she
> saw the doe had puppy, and keep Terra's idea of Harabos horrible misdeeds and
> doom for Harabos.
Vinga was known to the Vingkotlings (see Enclosure I p.19).
> I'm a bit confused about royal bloodlines. If Heort is the ancestor of many
> clans, shouldn't they all be royal bloodlines? What makes a bloodline so
> special that they are more royal than others?
They descend from a king :-)
Heort's form of kingship actually doesn't depend on bloodlines -- that's a Vingkotling thing. I've always thought it amusing that Sartar's kingdom reverted to Vingkotling kingship, and last weekend I finally figured out the reason: because Sartar was an Issaries hero, he wasn't qualified to be a Heortling king! (No Orlanth Rex and all.) But he must have had Vingkot's blood in him, and thus used those rites.
-- David Dunham Glorantha/HW/RQ page: <http://www.pensee.com/dunham/glorantha.html> Imagination is more important than knowledge. -- Albert Einstein --__--__--
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