
From: Jane Williams <>
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2003 16:35:26 +0000 (GMT)

> From: Simon Hibbs <>
> Stitch this together for a pretty complete set of
> references on Vinga :

But don't bookmark it, because I'm about to move it :(

And that's references up to and not including HW material.

> The orriginal conception of Vinga seems to have been
> as a heroine who
> found a way for women to effectively worship Orlanth
> Adventurous.

Well, the first *published* reference to Vinga was in KoS, where she's a goddess, daughter of Orlanth and Ernalda.

Within Glorantha, you're right, she started as an amalgam of several heroines and an entirely different goddess (the Red Woman of Saird was suggested). But in "modern" Sartar, she's definitely a goddess now.


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