And though I generally agree with you about the Magical Nature of Resonance in Glorantha....and a Jungian might not agree or like the theory of Alfred Adler....
But certainly, it is meaningful to consider about the similarity between
ancient RW and this Fantasy World.
And please think that "your Glorantha may be varied", and see my last post
and link about the impression of the translated text.
I humbly think RQ players tend to more mechanical = physical opinion to Glorantha against cultural anthropological set of HW, and they sometimes come nostalgic to more freely created concept of Other Worlds and metaphysics of RQ days. Do you remember the diversity of house hero quest Rules under RQ days?
(I sometimes express the difference as that of cosmological philosophies of Baruch de Spinoza (as HW) and Rene Descartes (as RQ).)
> > <<I think the primal role of ancient kings is judge even long
> > before King Solomon throughout this World.>>
> Of course, but I think that in Glorantha, law just has to be
> enshrined around the concept of the Hero, not just the
> king/sacred leader.
I don't think all of Glorantha beings agree with your opinion. (Though I
think most of them agree with you.)
Some of them really don't know what hero is.
> Hence there is in Glorantha the ideal of perfect, legal forms
> of behaviour, even though the ideal has been irremediably shattered.
I think RW analogy and parallel is useful for gaming and to clear individuality of each cultures. Even if it might lose some Glorantha flavor for a whole.
> > 1. Decentralization Policy of Esrolia and seats of its Jurisdiction
> >
> > In RW, it was very current event in modern time that "nations" began
> > to
> > monopolize "soverignty" including jurisdiction, about this subject of
> > discussion already the matter nearly seems to conclude that there is
> > clannish decentralized system in Esrolia.
> In Esrolia, power is probably derived more from the bloodlines
> than the clans.
Good opinion, how about trolls?
> The power is wielded by powerful women issued from those
> bloodlines, who ideally seek a consensus, but in practice seek
> to overbear each other. The 2000 US presidential "election"
> is probably a good model for an Esrolian legal system, just
> imagine all of the participants to be women (if that's not
> too weird an image). Actually, many people have characterised
> the US as a matriarchal country where unelected women hold
> the real power etc, so maybe that's not too far-fetched.
Such large scale of gathering vote system is impossible in most of
Glorantha.....even in LE.
"Hey, stand right if you don't fear your wife!"
One one man remain left.
"You are true man!"
"But because my wife said me to do so...."
> > At the head of my opinion here above, I wrote that judge = basic
> > service of
> > authority, in the other words, judging in trail means that exercising
> > her right of power jurisdiction, an action to keep / confirm / insist
> > her power. On contrary, if an authority tried but failed to use its
> > jurisdiction, it means that it was robbed / lost power.
I don't think Alfred Adler agreed with you....
> The important thing for them is their home, and making sure
> that they keep it and that everyone who lives there do
> what they're told and share it with like-minded sisters.
> I think this model is too binary/Appollonian to be a good
> model for a matriarchal Earth Tribe structure.
Maybe, but what do you mean in the term "Appollonian"?
> The specific Gloranthan forms are those of ritual, not
> procedure. There is a fine distinction here in the RW
> sense of those words, but in Glorantha ritual
> always involves magic and the Other Side, where
> the true principles of Law reside, rather than in
> simple mundane consensus (although this also exists,
> of course !).
I think this parallel of the Yelmic Society and Heortling Society is useful for understanding the difference and peculiarity. Jeff Richard and Greg Stafford sometimes use 10C Iceland Society for Heortling analogy. Even if it can be misunderstood as Historical Sequence that makes similar phenomena.
> > <<Among Orlanthi , always lawsuit is done around politic and
> > compromise based on both side profit and power balance,
> No, judiciary combat and use of the Lawstaff ritual
> can result in legal decisions that have nothing whatever
> to do with compromise.
I think it is useful for understanding the difference of European heritage and that of east Asia. "Law" is from English. Neither from Asia nor from Continent. IIRC.
> > In some kind of speculation of
> > feminism, while men tend to the way of thinking, to clear the matter
> > by the location of right, women tend to prefer compassion /
> > cooperation / harmony.
> I disagree entirely with this compassion / cooperation / harmony
> idea, certainly from the Esrolian POV.
> These people have men-hating axe murderers & castrators as
> the core of their police force !!
> In Glorantha, legal disputes are resolved in favour of those
> presenting the more powerful/convincing/defiant/hubristic
> or otherwise strong means of getting their way vs the party
> of the second party. Killing the party of the second party
> is a good way to terminate legal proceedings,
> as W might put it on one of his more garrulous days ...
I think you are too attached to the common point of diverse Gloranthan Cultures.
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