Hi friends
I have to offering you some new material on www.Tradetalk.de
- Tradetalk # 12 - Heortland special
- Heortland map from Simon Bray - if you ever want to get it, you can get it
only on www.Tradetalk.de all maps are sold to the Chaos Society - it is a
limited print of 45 maps (of which are 16 sold be now), so order it now.
- The Black Seal # 2 - the new issue of the CoC Delta Green book from Adam
- RuneQuest - Compendium from David Cheng - David sold his stockage of his
last issues of RQ Compendium and RQ Con program books to us. This is really
good stuff from 1994 - in the time of RuneQuest - Renaissance - if some
remember. Limted stock for your collection, you shouldn't miss it.
Editor of Tradetalk
For more Info Tradetalk-info-subscribe_at_yahoogroups.com
End of Glorantha Digest