>Me>Depends on what you mean by Agimori. Strictly the terms applies only
>to the
> >peoples of the Pamaltelan plains and the people of the Northern Coasts look
> >different. Even if one uses it to mean black, one has to bear in mind that
> >there are different types, such as aboriginals, melanesians, east
> africans, west
> >africans, south indians etc.
> The old Pamalt cult writeup from TOTRM 8 was explicit in that
>different groups in different places had a different definition of
>what 'Agimori' meant, and by implication had a different racial mix.
What it actually said in Tales #10 was that pure-blooded Agimori can join the cult automatically, non-agimori must past certain tests and that part-Agimori are treated differently in different areas. The Kresh and the Men-and-a-half consider the trace of any other blood to make a person non-Agimori while the people of Katele simply require dark hair, black eyes and dark skin.
--Peter Metcalfe
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