>Quick esoterical answer : it's the _blue_ Sky metal,
>suggesting that it has the following possible origins :
>a) Sky contaminated by Water. This is probably
>the answer that makes most sense from the esoterical
>POV for several reasons. It's ability to alloy with copper
>to produce bronze, a new metal, sounds like a Water
>Rune power of blending to me.
Good, and easily accomplished by the invasion of the Sky by Water. Perhaps the remains of the Water and Sky gods mixed to form tin as they feel from the sky during the various battles.
>b) I might speculate that tin is itself an alloy of gold
>and quicksilver. The Heortlings may have some ancient &
>v. obscure myth of Dayzatar and Tar-Helera ? The colour
>of tin is in their opinion a result of Heler's invasion
>of the Sky, anyway.
I think if Dayzatar had mingled with anyone he would not be Dayzatar any longer. Really, what a mind you have....
>c) And then there's the ES info that it's simply
>Dayzatar's metal, which can HARDLY be discounted,
>despite the suspicious blue colour.
Again, I imagine that Dayzatar is too aloof from the world to "have" a metal or anything else.
Peter Larsen
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