:Just an MGF suggestion that is unsupported by any
:publications -- I'd make iron be the "runic metal" of
:the inner world. It's characteristic is that it is
:super-mundane, thus defeating otherworld magic, which
:also says something interesting about Mostali and the
:elder races.
An excellent view Chris! Only problem being stuff like the iron horns of Storm Bull, and such references. But if one wants, those can be ignored as fanciful interpretations by the worshipping humans.
Then again, the power of death is a new one in the otherworlds, and the fact that raw iron eats magic isn't inconsistent with that. Death of the magical world, in that case.
A nice insight, whichever way one looks at it. Not inconsistent with my version of it being the metal of Death either, I think.
I think I think... Therefore I think I am.
End of Glorantha Digest
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