>>> My base assumption is that 60% of the overall population of the Western
>>> Reaches are Carmanian, and the rest are non-Carmanian.
>Nice general speculation on the individual satrapies, but the break-down for
>the Western Reaches as a whole in ILH-1 is 34% Carmania, 5% DH, 9% Lunar,
>45% Pelandan and 7% Other.
Cool - Thanks for the numbers! I am glad that the ILH-1 updates the info
there. I will be interested to see the breakdown for Oronin and Doblian
also, once ILH-1 makes its way through the US postal system. :)
BTW, what is meant by "Lunars" in the ILH-1 population spread? Are the Kereusi in Bindle and Bisosae in Vanstal also considered Pelandans or do they fall into the "other" category?
Thanks again,
~Kevin McD
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