>> In the beginning the only "Carmanian" was Carmanos, who could
>> be seen as a later day Idomon - reinterpreting the old Pelandan
>> religion with new truths and blending it with the Irensavel
>> teachings from Fronela.
> While his people subjugated the Pelandan Cities and had a > vested interest in keeping distance between themselves and their > conquered subjects.
Not so, according to my account of Carmanian history (and is there any other? :-)
Carmanos and his people were mercenary allies of the free Pelandan city states. It was his son, Surandar the War-leader, who first seized rule over unwilling Pelandans.
See http://www.etyries.com/carmania/carmhist.htm (Outline) and http://www.etyries.com/carmania/surandar.htm (Surandar)
Cheers, NIck
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