> >> In the beginning the only "Carmanian" was Carmanos, who could be
> >> seen as a later day Idomon - reinterpreting the old Pelandan
> >> religion with new truths and blending it with the Irensavel
> >> teachings from Fronela.
AFAIK Carmanos was more on the receiving end of a Pelandan reinterpretation of his father's beliefs.
IMO Syranthir probably "wagered" his basic beliefs against the Pelandan High Gods during a HeroQuest/GodQuest, and lost.
The modern Carmanian beliefs are certainly Pelandan ones, at core, despite the variant magical method : the Pelandan High Gods are a bunch of defiants, anyway, and so don't care what magic people use, as long as they know who's boss/bossess ...
> > While his people subjugated the Pelandan Cities and had a
> > vested interest in keeping distance between themselves and their
> > conquered subjects.
> Not so, according to my account of Carmanian history (and is there any
> other? :-)
Entekosiad ? ;-)
Not so according to my reading/interpretation of Entekosiad, either
> Carmanos and his people were mercenary allies of the free Pelandan
> city states. It was his son, Surandar the War-leader, who first seized
> rule over unwilling Pelandans.
> See http://www.etyries.com/carmania/carmhist.htm (Outline)
> and http://www.etyries.com/carmania/surandar.htm (Surandar)
Right, and IMO Surandar the War-leader was expressing the Will of the Pelandan High Gods, so mortal Pelandan unwillingness not IMO pertinent from a High Magical POV.
I realise that this interpretation is somewhat contrary to your intentions, but Entekosiad appears to ** imply ** that Idovanus and Ganesatarus were Pelandan entities.
And not that this high philosophy would cut much ice with many Pelandan muck-rakers ...
Julian Lord
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