>I am assuming that Carmanos did not meet Estrekor until *after* Carmanos
>revealed the Truth of Idovanus. Because of this, I was assuming that he
>received Estrakor's teachings second-hand via Syranthir.
Estrekor came west with Syranthir and would have been well known at Brinnus where he established a monastery and hospital there. Since the Redline history says about Castle Blue
::The inhabitants of this castle were typical of the type, and were very ::close to the inhabitants along the shores of the lake. Castle Blue ::considered those people among their own followers, and had always ::defended them from external aggression. Even the Carmanians had ::respected the holding of Castle Blue.
I don't see why Carmanos couldn't have taken shore leave when he was younger to meet Estrekor. As a mortal, I think he would have lived in the mundane portion of the Castle rather than have tea every day with Charmain, Syranthir and Alakoring.
>On the other hand, Greg's article in Enclosure #1 says "Romanakrin
>Wisdom was incorporated by the Prophet Karmanos into his revolutionary
>dualistic religion." Did this happen after he presented the Book of Two
>at Brinnus?
Before IMO.
>Right again. I once thought Fire Mountain was Mount Ladral but Revealed
>Mythologies put an end to that idea. The destruction of Fire Mountain
>seems like a kind of "echo" of the Mount Ladral destruction, though. I
>don't see why the Waertagi of the Neliomi Sea, which covered most of
>Fronela at the time (including the Sweet Sea itself), couldn't have been
>involved in both events.
The Neliomi Sea was different from the Sweet Sea as the later was part of the Janubian Sea. I think the Waertagi didn't sail there very often because the Janubian Sea was fresh and the Waertagi preferred to sail in salty seas.
>By the way, just how did the Mountain Mystics of the Jernotian Way
>survive for hundreds of years under the Shahs? Were they in hiding all
>that time or did the Carmanians just not care enough to wipe them out?
They weren't in hiding. The Carmanians didn't know where to find them.
> > The Carmanians weren't interested in Syranthir until a couple of
> centuries later
> > when Nadar went on a rampage in Fronela.
>I am not sure I agree with that, although I have heard it before. Where
>does the idea come from?
Footnote 5 of Nick's writing about the Anabasis and footnote 1 in the Fortunate Succession p98.
--Peter Metcalfe
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