There was a discussion in the past about moving to a web based client, but I stated then, as now that I like the different pace and tone of the digest and HQ-rpg lists. HQ-rpg is a chat in a bar or cafe, the GD a disputation in the library.
HQ-rpg is targeted at people playing HQ/HW and is
designed to support Gloranthan material
in-publication. For very valid reasons of
accessibility to anyone who wants to start
role-playing in Glorantha, conversations that
reference unfinished works, out-of-print, or non II
publications are moderated. In addition there is an
imperative to keep the list accessible by being
non-esoteric and focused. Again conversations may need
to be moderated.
The digest by contrast is aimed at the Glorantha fan in whatever incarnation and is open to more esoteric discussions.
The problem for some folks seems to be that when a topic is deemed unsuitable for HQ-rpg the advice is usually 'take it to the Digest'. This is fine in principal, but often fails in practice. A lot of threads die when this happens partially as a result of the transfer, partially because folks just start posting here mid-argument and do not start afresh, partially because as Graham suggests there is a less point and counterpoint here, less posting out of boredom in the office.
When discussions start to veer into GD territory on the HQ-rpg group we should realize it is usually a failure of people to keep within the remit of that list. Most people know when they post to the HQ-rpg list if they are breaking the rules. Much better I believe to answer the question within the criteria of that list than up the debate to digest-level. Finish the discussion within the remit there. Then if you want a deeper or more widely-sourced discussion on that topic, start a new thread here to discuss the issue in that remit, not a continuation, but a new considered topic for the examination of the digest. Advertise that you will post a thread to examine the deeper issues here, but don't just pick-up the conversation mid-flow.
I have noticed that rules discussions only rarely break out of their lists, perhaps we need to exercise similar discipline when discussing Glorantha.
"Give the kids tools, so they can go build their own houses; not the blueprint of what the houses should be." Tori Amos
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