>Message: 3
>Date: Tue, 08 Apr 2003 15:53:23 +0100
>To: glorantha_at_rpglist.org
>From: Graham Robinson <graham_at_albionsoft.com>
>Subject: Changing Digest Format??
>Reply-To: glorantha_at_rpglist.org
>Hi All,
>This having raised its weary head on the all new HQ list, I'll bring it up
>in the proper place.
>There has been a certain number of complaints, from a seemingly small
>number of people, that the Digest may not be run in the best possible
>manner. Specifically, there are two complaints. First, that the list is too
>dry, esoteric, scary, or whatever. Secondly, that the enforced lumping of
>e-mails into digests is too difficult to work with.
>Now personally, I don't see the problem. The First is only a function of
>those who choose to post, and without turning this entirely moderated, I
>don't see a way of solving this. I believe that turning this fully
>moderated would cause more problems than it solves. The second is the price
>of slowing down the rate of discussion, which I believe leads to a better
>signal to noise ratio here than on the other lists.
>Never the less, I am only the keeper of the group flame, not its master.
>What do others think?
>I can see several possible changes :
>1. I can make this fully moderated, and only allow posts which match some
>set of rules that we agree to as to what constitutes an "acceptable" post.
I'm dead against extending moderation, even if agreement on "acceptable posts" can be reached.
>2. I can tell off and (if needed) moderate those posters who continuously
>post overly dull messages. This would probably be in response to a number
>of complaints from other list members.
I suspect this will just upset the posters who provide some of the best detail. Certainly there are times I get bored but there isn't that much to page past.
>3. I can fiddle the software so that all messages come in a bunch (normally
>once a day), but in either digest or individual format as desired. This
>*WILL* involve a lot more work on my part...
It would be slightly more convinient for me but not enough to justify creating a load of work.
>4. I can open it up totally, a la HQ-RPG.
I don't see any real problem with this, I don't think the subject matter encourages the bitty ill thought out responses which tend to plague Yahoo groups.
>5. I can leave things as they are. We have over a hundred more members than
>HQ-RPG, so presumably I'm doing something right...
I wonder how much of this is simply people who are interested in Glorantha but are not playing Herowars. I didn't join HQ-RPG until recently and I'm not sure I'll continue given the high proportion of chatter compared to Gloranthan content.
-- Donald Oddy http://www.grove.demon.co.uk/ --__--__--
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