Things don't have to be esoteric for the Glorantha Digest! Besides, I get to quote out-of-print references in the reply. How much more GD can you get?
> There are 24(ish) tribes of Sartar
> How many clans does each tribe have?
The population is 180,000 [Genertela Book p.54]. If each tribe is equal sized, then each has 7500 people. If each clan is the nominal 1200 [King of Sartar; Thunder Rebels p.29], then they'd have 6.25 clans each.
> And what are the names of all the clans?
I don't have space to list all 150 here... You can start by culling the beginning of Barbarian Adventures, then King of Sartar. Orlanth is Dead has a bunch of names (without any tribal associations).
> The answer is hard to find in a hurry, but the samples we have (Culbrea, > Colymar, and Lismelder) would suggest that around eight is normal.
IIRC, the Colymar are one of the larger tribes.
> That fields a fyrd of about 57,000 armed militia, with about > 2,400 people in each tribe's fyrd.
About 20% of the total population can muster [Thunder Rebels p.44], so a tribe would have 1500 fyrdmen (and women).
-- David Dunham Glorantha/HW/RQ page: <> Imagination is more important than knowledge. -- Albert Einstein --__--__--
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